
  • 広州 53美術館
  • 2014
  • The Expanding Horizon / Japan-China contemporary art exhibition「拡張する地平」/ 日中国際交流展

    その意味で今回の中国でのアーティスト イン レジデンスによる展覧会の試みは、多くの理解と沸き起こる表現を産み出すことでしょう。


    The attributes that make Japan the country that it is today came about in part by a huge influence from the vast history and culture of China. However, even as the world has become globally connected and we are presently sharing and exchanging information, Japanese people have not had much opportunity to experience the actual reality of China, and we must say that we lack an understanding of the systems and ideology. With that in mind, a wide understanding and surge of expression should surely come forth from this challenge of the exhibition of the artist-in-residency in China.

    Art serves as a crucial means for mankind’s existence, and should be at the forefront. From all regions of the world, it is essential that various ideas and expressions come together to bear fruit. The Expanding Horizon is based on a mentality of non-existing borders, by artists from both countries who, while recognizing their differences, will aim to approach the shared mutual keywords of both contemporary and future times, and strive to promote understanding through the expressions and visions of the exhibition

    Organizer:主催:53美術館/53 art museum
    Co-Organizer: Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts University
    中瀬康志 Koji Nakase (JP)

    Exhibition Director(エキヒビション ダイレクター)
    李 琼波Qiongbo Li (CN)
    肖麗 Xiao Li (CN)

    日本人参加作家 / Japanese Artist・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
    伊東敏光 | Toshimitsu Ito
    久保寛子 | Hiroko Kubo
    大崎のぶゆき | Nobuyuki Osaki
    小林亮介 | Ryosuke Kobayashi
    井上大輔 | Daisuke Inoue
    吉岡俊直 | Toshinao Yoshioka
    東晶子 | Akiko Higashi
    セシル・アンドリュ | Cecile Andrieu
    中瀬康志 | Koji Nakase
    藤井龍徳 | Tatsunor iFujii
    川松康徳 / dabada / 山本信幸
    Yasunori Kawamatsu / Nobuyuki Yamamoto

    協力参加 / cooperate with
    藤田千彩 | Chisai Fujita / journalist (writing catalog & lecture).

    Address/会場:広州53美術館 | 53 Art Museum http://www.53museum.org/

    Opening/オープニング 3月29日

    展覧会 web-page